For this week I chose Alone in the dark 3 as I've always wanted to play an Alone in the dark game
Unpack the first level of your chosen game (including cut scenes) how does it tell its story, and how is the player involved in the
telling (consider all of the narrative elements discussed so far in the course)?
Alone in the Dark's story starts as soon as you start the game. Like an old movie the cut scene is playing over the credits. We open up in Edward Carnby's office where his lights get cut off by his "dog" of a landlord. He's states that he is happy that his radio still works and the news is talking about some local earthquakes that have scientists confused. The plot starts when the phone rings and a man called Grey Saundars tells Edward of a job he'd like him to do. A western film's crew has vanished into thin air and he'd like you to find out what's the deal with it. He pleads that Emily Hartwood someone from Edwards past was in the crew. After arguing over pay you get the location of the town Slaughter Gulch in the Mojave desert ( Nothing good could ever happen at a place called Slaughter Gulch)
This cut scene has no player input at all and is the first of two in the "The Beginning" chapter. Not to be confused with "Chapter one"
After this cut scene we the player get our first taste of controlling Edward but it's short and sweet because as soon as you walk 4 steps you get introduced to the second type of cut scene. I do think this is another type of story node as it's done with the in game graphics and not a slide show like the first one.
In this cut scene we get our first look at the villains of this game evil cowboy ghosts lead by a cowboy by the name of Jed Stone who then promptly lights a match with his boot and blows up the bridge you are standing on. How rude!
Now we the player really get to play the game. This game is 100% old school. It has no "introduction level" or anything of the sort. If you don't have the manual you will have to learn how to control Edward by your self. No hand holding here. The only way you can move the games story on to the next story node is by solving the puzzles and a lot of "combine object X with object Y" so the players role in telling the story is vital. These story nodes are small but vital to learn what's going on in Slaughter Gulch.
I would definitely argue that Edward Carnby is a avatar more then he is a character as while he does have his own personality it's you the player that does moves the story along and not him in cut scenes. At least from what I have seen of the first level.
The first level of Alone in the dark tells it's story in cut scenes that the player has no involvement in and puzzles that reward the player with small scarps of story.
This is one of the few games that I want to finish fully. The mystery hiding in Slaughter Gulch is one I'd like to solve