Saturday, 21 May 2016

21/05/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Animatic update

So I've updated most of the animatic with the live action shots and the 3d background. All the ones with the 2D animation in them have been done so we can get to that next week. There is one shot shot 4 I'm having a bit of trouble masking as it's a bit complicated but I'll get it done. Shot 12 and 13 I've used stills at this point because the main focus is on the mirror but I can change them depending on what my group says.

Friday, 13 May 2016

14/05/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Update

Yesterday I had to move my plans to reshoot to Monday as Hamish was busy with hsi group work. I ended up helping Grace with her sound recording as she needed help with it.

Today I've been finding a stand in music score for our film. It's been hard to find something all our group agrees on but I've found two that most of us like.

All in all I think my group is working well together and I'm happy with the work I've been seeing from my team mates.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

11/05/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Sound

I finished the sound and will show my team mates tomorrow. Me and Patrick thought using a thunder sound and deepin it's pitch would work well for an earthquake rumble. We will see if everyone else thinks it's a good idea tomorrow.

 Heres a screen of my Autition work
and  here is my mix with the groups animatic

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

11/05/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Updated Production Schedule

I have updated our Production Schedule to show what we are doing this week. I think we are going along nicely and will hand in our next assingment on time on the 16th. The 3D work is coming along nicely and I think the test shots of all three medias put togther look really good. The greenscreen work will be done by Firday as I will be doing a reshoot tomorrow with Hamish on the shot the tutors said we should redo last week in our meeting.