Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Week 2 Gameplay 02/03/2016

I chose to do question 3 and play Facade

3. Does your chosen game(s) make user input feel meaningful in terms of story direction and progression? Why or why not?

Facade does make user input feel meaningful to the whole story as depending on what you say and what time you say it it can dramaticly change the outcome of the story. In my first play through I initially felt like the third wheel and so ended up doing my best to stay out of their fight and I got Trip to admit that he purposefully asked her to marry him in front of her parents to force her into it, and also that he just can't accept the idea of having an artist wife, hence pushing her into advertising instead this made Grace leave the house.

 My secound attempt I decided to ask Grace a lot of why questions and be more pushy. This ended up making Grace admit to sleeping with a fellow artist and then leaving again.

My third play through I said a lot of nice things. This ended up being taken the wrong way and I got kicked out of the house.

I do think the users input in Facade does feel meaningful in terms of the progession and direction of the story. All the times I have played it the outcomes have all been very different.

Lauren was right Trip really hates the word "melons". Guys got it out against fruit.

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