Tuesday, 8 November 2016

09/11/16 - Production Studio (Interactive)

So I have been animating the NPC's this week. It's going well, there was a issue with a hand moving a foot but I fixed it after a bit of tweaking

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Monday, 3 October 2016

03/10/16 - Production Studio (Interactive)

The idea behind my idea for the prop is that I think having props in the background that have small animation loops is a good way to make the world look alive. The bottle cap creature is a very shy creature and spends all it's time inside it's hiding place made out of bottle caps.

04/10/16 - Production Studio (Interactive)

Here is the fully 3D model

03/10/16 - Production Studio (Interactive)

Here are my colured concepts. I went with the bottle cap monster as I thaught it would fit the tone of the game more then a happy worm in an apple (even if it's a neat idea)

03/10/16 - Production Studio (Interactive)

Some thumb nails for my probs

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

15/09/2016 - Creative Studio

The Mirai Mizue Workshop helped a lot when it came to figuring out what I wanted to do for this project. It'll be something in the same vein as his "Jam" animation.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio - Embodied Thinking

Patrick's memory was that they got new stairs at his house and he kept falling down them a lot. Must of hurt :/

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio - Synthesizing

I think freedom to do what you want within limits is sociaity working well. These people are shooting guns in a closed building so they wont hurt others. The building is the limits

Monday, 12 September 2016

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio - Abstracting

We had to make a creature out of the theme of our project so I did a living music note

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio update

I've not updated this in while as I've been busy with other class work and writing up the brief but here is a quick run down of what limitaions I will be using

24 to 40 frames per loop

Aquatic themed

5 to 6 concept drawings for each loop

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Creative Studio - Exquisite Corpse Animation - A pomeranian and a pomegranate on a powerboard

This is my drawing for the exquisite corpse animation. I got Jonathan's drawing today and have started animating already. I also gave Lauren my drawing, dunno what she'll do with it but yeah.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

28/08/16 - Production Studio: Interactive - Narrative Development

Our character for the group project is a moth fairy thing. So I thought making the moth fetures be her "clothes" was the best way to go about this. I might of done too many colour concepts >.> Might alos of gone a bit silly with the last four!

I also did a really quick model sheet for her (the side veiw is way off and I want to fix it later). I mainly did it becuase i'd like to use her in a future project if she does not get used in this one and I really like doing model sheets.
For the background I came up with this. It's not that great as I've never been good at doing BG's but I like it somewhat. I like the idea that in a later stage you have a boss fight with a cat and that's why I put a cat in the back ground.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

28/08/16 - Creative Studio - Future/Past

It's simple but it's sadly the best thing I can think off when I think of our past and what will be of the future. We may have evolved as a culture but we will always find ways to kill others

Saturday, 20 August 2016

21/08/16 - Production Studio: Interactive

So last week we had to make a group for the assignments and we kind of just chose the same one we did for the board games so me Patrick, Adrian and Sam and Dora asked if she could join and now we have 5 peeps.

I've got an idea for it and I'll share it with the group on Tuesday

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Creative studio

I've been thinking about what to do for my discipline and I'm kind of drawing a blank but I have been thinking about what hobbies have disciplines and the list is so far this:

Fish keeping

Honestly I think music might be the best one to do but I don't know what really to do for it. I need to think a bit about it but it's a start.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

9/08/16 - Production Studio: Interactive - Environment Concepts

We had to do environment concepts for a horror game and they had to have a rattle and a sun flower. I had the idea of doing a "honey I shrunk the kids" style thing. It scanned pretty badly sadly.

Monday, 8 August 2016

8/08/16 - Production Studio: Interactive - Story Glyphs

Okay so here is my weapon idea. I thought because so many of the smartest people in the world are pretty crap at being social and the like I thought it would make a cool idea for a cursed sword

FOr the steam punk item idea I thought like a spy eye thing would be neat.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

8/08/16 - Creative Studio - Comic remix

8/08/16 - Creative Studio - Journal page

My idea for the homework was to do a torn out journal page that you'd find maybe in the hands of a mutilated corpse or in a pile of gore. I think you'd find it while doing a quest to hunt something or maybe as a start for a side quest.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

124/06/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) _ colour update

I finished all the colours for our animation. Patricks finished putting it all together and it all looks great.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

16/06/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Clean up

I've finished clean ups for Shot 12,8,6 and 9. Taylor did most of shot 12 I just finished the final few frames for her and with shot 9 I fixed a few things because Phoenix asked me too.

Good thing I enjoy doing clean up!

Sunday, 5 June 2016

06/06/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Shot 13 paper fall test

I've been playing around trying to make teh paper fall look natural. It's a bit iffy so far. We also need to put the paper in the other shots but I don't think I can do all of that in After effects but I can do the same shots that use this back ground.

06/06/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Shot 12 fade

Today I did the fade in shot 12 where it fades from the good room with his wife to the bad room. I've yet to add Hammish into the mirror I'll be doing that next. ALso the bad room as of right now is a placee holder and I'll get the correct one from Patrick later this week.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

05/06/16 - Production Studio (Cinematic) - Colour corrections

So I've been working in After effects to match the colours on Hammish across the shots. We are making it more on the blue side so it matches the rest backgrounds. Me and Patrick worked out how to do it on Friday and I've been working on the others shots. It's been hard as sometimes Hammish's skin ends up radioactive glowing orange? here are some screens of my WIP I will show my groupmates and tutors on Thursday. It's a pain that Monday is a holiday.