Wednesday, 14 September 2016

15/09/2016 - Creative Studio

The Mirai Mizue Workshop helped a lot when it came to figuring out what I wanted to do for this project. It'll be something in the same vein as his "Jam" animation.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio - Embodied Thinking

Patrick's memory was that they got new stairs at his house and he kept falling down them a lot. Must of hurt :/

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio - Synthesizing

I think freedom to do what you want within limits is sociaity working well. These people are shooting guns in a closed building so they wont hurt others. The building is the limits

Monday, 12 September 2016

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio - Abstracting

We had to make a creature out of the theme of our project so I did a living music note

13/09/2016 - Creative Studio update

I've not updated this in while as I've been busy with other class work and writing up the brief but here is a quick run down of what limitaions I will be using

24 to 40 frames per loop

Aquatic themed

5 to 6 concept drawings for each loop

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Creative Studio - Exquisite Corpse Animation - A pomeranian and a pomegranate on a powerboard

This is my drawing for the exquisite corpse animation. I got Jonathan's drawing today and have started animating already. I also gave Lauren my drawing, dunno what she'll do with it but yeah.